Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 193
Location: Mission
Date: 2021-09-11
Duration: 00:50:08
Launch: TO (SSW-WSW) Mission Ridge (Mission Peak), CA
Max Distance: 1717m
Max Altitude: 619m
Track Length: 22699m
Wing: BGD Epic M
IGC File: Download

2nd time flying. Dave Oddy was sponsor. Fantastic 50 minute flight, Dave mentioned that if we punch out and down a bit, the ridges near the horses trail (trail switching back) are good for some lift. I found a tiny bit there before landing and managed to sustain my flight for a fair bit. I'm fairly proud of this. I feel I may have flown when others landed due to having more of a risk tollerance when ridge soaring. This may be a dangerous thing though that I'll need to keep evaluating.