Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 195
Location: Point of the Mountain
Date: 2021-09-16
Duration: 00:01:52
Launch: TO (SE-SSE) Point of the Mountain (South)_Draper, UT
Max Distance: 207m
Max Altitude: 1499m
Track Length: 449m
Wing: BGD Epic M
IGC File: Download

First time flying point of the mountain. What's interesting here is that I had plenty of height and probably could have pushed out the back. Was talking to harry who mentioned he likes to push back if he has the height towards the end of the parking lot and move to the far side to make it easy to bail out and land if need be. Would have liked to do this. Short flight as I was losing light and wanted to wait for the wind to calm down a little bit. There was an event where someone died this flight which put me on edge. A speed wing pilot who was doing barrel rolls.