Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 207
Location: Monroe, Utah
Date: 2021-09-24
Duration: 00:41:10
Launch: TO (WSW-NW) Cove Mountain West_Richfield_Monroe, UT
Max Distance: 5744m
Max Altitude: 3647m
Track Length: 21250m
Wing: BGD Epic M
IGC File: Download

Great conditions, went above launch and the peak, decided not to head back. Came down after I wasn't sure about height, oxygen or how bumpy it'd be. This is the first time I've felt really comfortable in active air, where I was happy with the active piloting and little bumps and dives. Just practice I guess. Learned that to make cove club I need to be up behind the ridge. Interesting moment was on my way down, being eye to eye with a sail plane after having passed them a few thousand feet above.