First potato hill flight!
This was a day of Sprint League. The day was a bit Smokey due to fires. Had a site introduction as I’d never flown at the site before.
The more scary part of this was a bad launch, where, I ended up in the bushes just below launch due to what I think was stalling it on my flight. Some eyes from Arpan said that I did a jump into the wing. Jug mentioned that I should be checking my wing after this flight, as above, he thinks there could have been something wrong with it.
It looks like the wing is now on its last porosity legs so they could have been right there.
I ended up on second launch attempt clearing the bushes, and had a quick flight down. There was (only) 3 pilots in the air, and the weak was very soft.
After not having flown the site before, I decided not to get in the way of the other pilot I was doing some weak thermaling with, and head down to land. Landing was uneventful :). In the end, short but sweet flight for a new site!