Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 313
Location: Monroe, Utah
Date: 2024-09-23
Duration: 00:21:54
Launch: TO (N-NE) Cove Mountain North_Richfield_Monroe, UT
Max Distance: 5529m
Max Altitude: 2743m
Track Length: 11579m
Wing: Phi Maestro 2
IGC File: Download

This was an evening flight from Cove. Launch was fantastic, in fact, Oddy even sent me a message commending me on it. How special! :-D

The flight was very short though, There was some traffic on the north side, with being a north wind, everyone was in. Didn’t love it, and saw another Maestro being the only one pushing out and getting a good thermal, so, went chasing that, didn’t find anything too great and landed fairly early.

Nice flight, but, was hoping it’d be much longer and should have stayed at the back ridge for longer and navigated the crowds.