Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 317
Location: Monroe, Utah
Date: 2024-09-27
Duration: 02:15:37
Launch: TO (SW-W) Monroe Peak (Richfield)
Max Distance: 19242m
Max Altitude: 5453m
Track Length: 85888m
Wing: Phi Maestro 2
IGC File: Download

~ 17,890ft high, 20km open distance. What a flight!

Got super high with Rai, and followed him for one of the best flights of my life.

We lost the others, and I committed to following him.

Was very worried heading to Marysvale peak about starting to get very committed pretty low. Rai mentioned seeing clouds forming though so wanted to make it over a sun-baking peak. Followed there and decided that I'd need to peel away and punch out to land if we didn't find something. It was a huge climb that took us right up to our legal limit!

Little table had me worried that it was very far deep and away from good roads for retrieve. I was worried about bombing out and landing there on the plateau so wanted to push out a little bit.

Found what I thought was a nice area to land, but it appears it was near a little rock behind, and there was a farmer doing work in a field in front, so two thermal triggers made it hard to come back down.