Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 323
Location: Mission
Date: 2024-10-17
Duration: 01:07:08
Launch: TO (SSW-WSW) Mission Ridge (Mission Peak), CA
Max Distance: 2367m
Max Altitude: 1176m
Track Length: 30943m
Wing: Ozone Swift 6
IGC File: Download

This was a great flight that I almost took to 4,000ft over Mission!

The day was very lifty. First time I'd think there's a hard time coming back down.

Forecast was supposed to be 11-12mph, but I figure was closer to 20 on launch. Met Ron, another network engineer and hiked up the top of Mission peak as it was too windy for us to fly (Honda and Posey did though, and didn't look fun).

By the time we got back down, the winds were nice, so got a great flight in! A bit gusty though.

I wasn't happy with how much the wingtips were to come in on these flights though. Need to figure that one out. Talking post flying, I may need different pressure or hand position to control it a little more.