Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 337
Location: Palo Buque
Date: 2024-11-06
Duration: 01:58:37
Launch: TOC (WSW-SW) Iquique_Palo Buque_lower start
Max Distance: 1426m
Max Altitude: 793m
Track Length: 47497m
Wing: BGD Epic M
IGC File: Download

This flight was mainly playing with wing overs. Beautiful wind, perfect day wind wise.

Take aways:

  • can not start wing overs with my epic by just weight shift. Need a lot of break input.
  • when wing overing, the weight shift should be as soon as the dips start.
  • to side hill land, wingtip should point into the edge, outside break to flare, stall. Lift shouldn’t be that great when I’m that close to the edge. Something to play with tomorrow.