Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 338
Location: Alto Hospicio
Date: 2024-11-07
Duration: 02:02:22
Launch: TOC (W) Iquique_Alto Hospicio
Max Distance: 5822m
Max Altitude: 934m
Track Length: 64239m
Wing: Ozone Swift 6
IGC File: Download

The plan for this flight was to maintain and see what I could make of the day.

The flight was nice at 2 hours, the wind was very much west, a good day to travel and explore.

I missed the first group who were starting to head south, and saw them taking the ridge line up to the south point. I didn’t feel comfortable doing this in case there is any wind wrapping around the point of the bowl near the flags.

After perhaps 20-40 minutes of flying, The clouds were getting nicer, and was following birds more out away from the hill.

I followed birds over near the football courts to get a good lift, and work around the point always well over ridge height.

Following the ridge down, it felt like there was a north wind, and I was too afraid to keep venturing past the first spine alone without someone to verify that there probably wouldn’t be much rotor there.

Went up north as far as the mine, but weirdly couldn’t find much lift up to the north of the mine, so didn’t make it to the point. At this time, there was only me and one other pilot in the air, and the wind was getting a little gusty, so decided to call it. Lucky timing, as I was in time for a Sushi lunch :)