Resuming Blogging
I’ve not been writing or blogging for some time. Over half a decade. It has been about 12 years since I started this blog, and a lot has changed since then. I’ve not found the time to document my tinkerings and projects as work has taken most of my time. I’m going to leave work related things on Linkedin, personal posts on Facebook, but I would like to continue using this site as my partner tends to use her diaries, as a way looking back at what I’ve been playing with.
I tend to have more than a few projects going on, and with this being the first of 5 weeks away on recharge from Facebook, my goal throughout is to start using this to document projects I’m playing with. With trying to squeeze as much paragliding as I can during this time though we’ll see how it goes.
I had this intention probably 12 months or so ago, when I moved the content of this page over from Workpress to Hugo, and changed the hosting to Github pages, but with a bit of spare time to kickstart this effort now, let’s see what happens :)